Visa conditions
- Foreigners lay their applications for work permit through our consular offices in the country of their residence or nationality.
- Work Permit Applications are concluded positively or negatively by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Work Permits have equivalence to residence permits. Thus, should a working permit is approved by the Ministry, the foreigner is charged an Entry Visa Fee, Work Permit Certificate Fee and Residence Fee by the Turkish consular offices. Since Work Permit Card substitute residence permit in Turkey, "Work Annotated Visa" issued by these offices can only be used for entrance and for 90 days at maximum.
- Work permit is granted to foreigners who will work in Free Zones in our country by the Ministry of Economy, to those to work in units under Ministry of Culture and Tourism by the mentioned Ministry and to foreign national personnel to work in universities by the Higher Education Board.
- Applicants need to obtain a work permit from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to the Law numbered 4817 for private internship applications outside the provisions set forth in the Article 55 "Work Permit Exemption" title of Law Enforcement Regulation about Working Permits of Foreigners.
- Article 55 of the Law Enforcement Regulation on Working Permits of Foreigners no. 4817 regulating working permit exemptions, the extent and the lengths of time the foreigners are exempt from working permit are stated. Those who meet the requirements below do not need to obtain a work permit.
- (1) Without prejudice to the provisions set out in specific laws and on condition that the foreigner and the employer fulfill their obligations resulting from other laws;
- a) The persons exempted from work visa under the bilateral or multilateral agreements to which Turkey is a signatory party ,
- b) the foreigners holding permanent residences abroad and wishing to visit Turkey temporarily with purposes of scientific studies, cultural and artistic activities for a period shorter than a month and with the aim of sporting activities for a period less than four months,
- c) For the purpose of installation,maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment imported to Turkey, providing training for their utilization or transporting of defective equipment from Turkey and provided that they do not exceed the total stay of three months within a year as of the date of entry into Turkey and verify this condition with the documents that they will submit, the ones coming to Turkey,
- d) For the purpose of training in the use of goods and services exported from or imported to Turkey and provided that they do not exceed three months totally within a year as of the date of entry into Turkey and verify this condition thanks to the documents that they will submit, the ones in Turkey
- e) Being an entertainer, performer and etc. in charge at fair and circuses which are going to carry out activities outside the borders of certificated tourism establishments and provided that they do not exceed six months as of the date of entry into Turkey and verify this condition with the documents that they will submit, the ones in Turkey
- f) On condition that it does not exceed two years and it will be limited to the period of study, the foreigners coming to state institutions and organizations together with the universities so as to enhance their information and good manners by veriying their state via the documents that they will submit,
- g) Persons who notified the Turkish authorities on the fact that they will provide important services and contributions socio-cultural and technological fields and educational fields within a period not exceeding six months.
- h) Persons visiting Turkey under the programs of the Center for European Union Education and Youth Programmes (National Agency),
- i) The foreigners to go on a training under the framework of international trainee programmes sanctioned by the Higher Education Board, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- j) The foreigners who are the representatives of tour operators coming to Turkey on condition that the term of contract does not exceed eight months,
- k) During the contracts of other athletes, trainers, football players whose requests are approved by Turkish Football Federation or General Directorate of Youth and Sports
- l) By the bilateral protocols signed under the Rule no. I/10 of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, the foreign seafarers serving on vessels which have received " Conformity Approval Certificate" from the related administration and is registered in Turkish International Ship Registry Law and operate outside the cabotage line,
- m) Foreign experts employed in the projects that are conducted within the scope of Turkey-European Union Financial Cooperation Programmes are not in need of obtaining a work visa during their term of office.
- Within the scope of article 55, residence permits of the foreigners coming to Turkey are given as " Short Term" residence permits by Provincial Directorate of Migration Administration. Exemption periods cannot be extended, the foreigners under this provision can make use of exemption rules only once within one calendar year. However, it is required that it must have been three months as of the expiry date of the residence permit granted to the foreigner with the same purpose in order to exercise this right. In case of the need of working longer than the exemption period allows, the foreigner has to obtain a work visa through the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
- Without being appointed on a permanent office in Turkey, international press members wishing to visit temporarily are not required to gain a "Visa Annotated for Press". It will be enough to obtain a tourist visa if the foreigner is subject to visa. In case of requirement, foreign press members coming for a short period can be issued a temporary press card by the Prime Ministry Directorate General of Press and Information ,and this card will be valid for their stays in Turkey. Temporary press card can be issued for a period for a maximim of three months and extended for another three months when necessary. Press members obtaining a short term residence permit are not additionally required to have a work permit. Appointed press members obtain a "Visa Annotated for Press" is subject to permission.